To start off, welcome to my site! I’m Ethan, an engineer who 6 years ago took a professional interest in computers and tech. I used to work as a Medical Assistant at a small clinic in Los Angeles. There, I began to get a name for myself as the ‘go-to’ staff member for software and hardware problems. But to be truthful, the bulk of my consultations were spent teaching my colleagues how to navigate interfaces.

At first, I scheduled a few hours out of my work day to teach my colleagues how to use the menus and forms they were expected to know. But it was obvious from the beginning that the majority of our frustrations at the clinic revolved around unintuitive software, and this prevented the team from giving patients our full attention.

So, I started to take interest in software because I wanted to build a product that my colleagues would use. I started to learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript quickly learning to build web applications. While I miss the medical field from time to time, I’ve found work that I love.